Helispin, helicopter flight school, offers unique and exciting experiences that get people closer to the world of rotorcrafts and to our beautiful environment with a privileged view from above.
“Short but intense” is our first experience aboard the R22 helicopter lasting 20 minutes, preceded by some essential information about safety and flight controls effects. Once landed, the question will be: “Feelings?!?”, and then we’ll find out if your answer is: WOW, Short but Intense!!
This new package is designed both for singles (149 €) and couples (280€), but also for groups (3 people minimum, 400€). If you wish to buy it, see our E-Commerce catalogue. For details and bookings, please e-mail info@helispin.it or call 366.6461392.
So you can have a first digital approach. We are waiting for you on our E-learning to discover the exciting world of the rotorcraft!
Ready to start!?! Register for free – Click here.